I have been anti-internet lately, not getting back to people via email, neglecting this blog and refusing to sign onto myspace for almost two months. I think I just needed a break, I get a lot of email and messages and keeping up with it drives me crazy (currently 300+ messages flagged to reply to going back to 2005). I know it's bad of me, I love the fact that people want to share their work or ask for advice, I appreciate it and think it's awesome but I just can't keep up these days. So I'm trying to at least update this beasty once in a while. My last post was over a month ago.
Here's what's been happening....

New artwork for a charity auction organized by the infamous
Gary Baseman. We painted into vintage paint-by-numbers.

A new painting called "Magic in the Forest" for
Limited Addiction gallery in Denver, CO. I've been working on a lot of new ideas based on these clouds. I think the style could make an interesting graff mural....

Working on my next show in september at
Jonathan Levine gallery. Hitting a bit of artists' block but that's normal for me between shows and I know I'll pull through soon.

A design I did for my friend
Jon Schiller's helmet. He's races rally cars.
Jon got ahold of my camera and took some studio shots...

Went to
Shaunna Peterson's house to pick up some art...

A CD cover she was working on.

Awesome Marylyn Manson sock puppet Shaunna made in college. And the rear:

I can't for the life of me remember what these toys are called... bomblings? Grenadites? I'm too lazy to look it up. This is Shaunna's portrayal.
Aaron Mason came over to paint the other day, working on his piece for "Kicks"- a shoe show at Black Iris in Fontana. He was painting on his brother's military boots that he wore in Iraq.

Here's some photos from the show a few nights ago...

Aaron's finished piece.

Jason Gallo's shoes..

My homie and graf writer buddy
Maxx checking out someone's shoe art.

Maxx's Vans.

Carved wooden shoes. Not sure of the artist...
Regino Gonzales (on right) is in town from New York City. He's also known as RG and we've known each other for a long time. He used to live here in the I.E. but moved to NY to attend SVA. He's an excellent and talented painter and I think you'll be hearing about him more in the next couple years as he starts to show in more galleries. Sorry other guy, can't remember your name...

Regino's Addidas.
Back on the home front...

Shannon loves books.

We went to Gymboree for the Valentine's day party..
One of my newest interests is checking out the birds in our yard. I could do a whole blog about the birdwatching but it would probably bore everyone to death. Except
Chris Ryniak who has mentioned spotting different bird species in his own blog. Everyone else would die of boredom and stop reading. So I'll just post a couple things..

We have a woodpecker (a Nuttal's Woodpecker I believe) that lives in our tree. sometimes he chases the other birds away from the feeder I put up.

He's made holes like this one all over the tree.

Jennifer got two finch socks for her birthday. The birds were lining up to eat, they went through the whole sock of seeds in a day and a half! Pretty neat being able to see them up so close, and Shannon loves it.
We've also had the following in our backyard: California Towhee, Scrub Jay, Rufous Towhee, Audubon's Warbler, House Finch, California Thrasher, Bewick's Wren, Western Bluebirds, Starlings, and a Kestral lives nearby and uses the tall junipers as a lookout. I'm always trying to get good pictures but they are too fast and I'm not sneaky enough.
One more image to leave you with. Say hello to Timkaren...