Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Been a while and I don't have time to post anything in detail here. Quick synopsis:

1. Just got back from the Soto family reunion in Templeton, CA. It was fun and nice to see the family. More on that trip soon. Ran into Mark Todd and Esther Pearl Watson, along with Maria Rendon at the Santa Barbara Zoo. Always nice to randomly see people in strange far away places. On the trip back we had car trouble, more soon....

2. Got new paintings from Martin Ontiveros and Shaunna Peterson. Pics up soon.

3. Officially launched yesterday, it's my new store. Right now it's all my stuff but eventually I'm hoping to add other artists and make it a "portal" to buy cool things like toys, prints, shirts, etc. The new colorway for my Terrarium Keeper Egg is for sale....

4. If you are an Inland Empire resident, grab a copy of Thursday's Press Enterprise (Aug 3). There is an article coming out on my artwork. I've been in a lot of internationally circulated magazines but never in the local paper. Should be cool...

5. The Walker- I'm not answering any questions because I don't know the status and am too busy/lazy to call Critterbox. Besides, the Walker is so 2005. Don't you guys know it's all about the BoxJellyfish and the Cubefriends....



Anonymous said...

Hi Jeff,
Can't wait to get more details on the new toys. And Martin Ontiveros is great. I can't believe he was at SDCC and I missed him.

Em said...

"The Walker is so 2005"

How long do I have to wait until it's retro?

Is it retro now?

How bout now?

Anonymous said...

Great ink today in the Press Enterprise! We picked up a few of them. I'm sure Mike will be giving you a ring and poppin' in on you soon.
And I was curious about Snoop as well....what's the stizzat?