I completed four designs for the recent Eddie Vedder tour, one for each of the venues he played at- Amsterdam, Manchester, London and Portugal. All are editions of 100 and will each be available for $55 + shipping. I've tried to space these out the best I can, however I will be traveling extensively in August/September so I've decided to sell these on days when I am at the studio. Here's the schedule:
E.V. Amsterdam Thursday 8/9/12 noon PST
E.V Manchester Tuesday 8/21/12 noon PST
E.V. London Tuesday 8/28/12 noon PST
E.V. Portugal Friday 8/31/12 noon PST
The first, Amsterdam, will be available at www.potatostamp.com on Thursday August 9th, 2012 at noon.
This is a five color, 16" x 24" print. Signed and numbered edition of 100. $55 + shipping.