Monday, August 06, 2012

Eddie Vedder Europe Tour Posters

I completed four designs for the recent Eddie Vedder tour, one for each of the venues he played at- Amsterdam, Manchester, London and Portugal. All are editions of 100 and will each be available for $55 + shipping. I've tried to space these out the best I can, however I will be traveling extensively in August/September so I've decided to sell these on days when I am at the studio. Here's the schedule:

E.V. Amsterdam Thursday 8/9/12 noon PST
E.V Manchester Tuesday 8/21/12 noon PST
E.V. London Tuesday 8/28/12 noon PST
E.V. Portugal Friday 8/31/12 noon PST

The first, Amsterdam, will be available at on Thursday August 9th, 2012 at noon.
This is a five color, 16" x 24" print. Signed and numbered edition of 100. $55 + shipping.

1 comment:

Sotero said...

Hey Jeff!
I am a bog fan of your work from Brazil!

Thank you for share all your process throught your blog!

Your illustrations inspire me.
Keep your blog up to date aways!

Greetings from Brazil